Carbon Copy Cloner saved my day

This post is just an agreement to the great people behind Carbon Copy Cloner, a great piece of backup software for Mac.

I trusted Time Machine, and actually it seemed a good program and a very convenient way of making and managing backups but… it does not matter how pretty is if when you need to restore a backup it gives you strange errors.

Carbon Copy Cloner logo

The whole story is that I wanted to upgrade my Mac hard drive to a bigger one and reading Time Machine documentation, seems that I can use the OSX Installation disk to restore a backup to a new fresh drive. Well, that’s just theory but when doing as instructed I got an “Error -22” after about an hour restoring… epic fail. Good that I did keep the original drive untouched.

Then I tried donationware Carbon Copy Cloner to create a bootable clone backup of my working hard drive. After a couple of hours I had an external USB that mimicked my original drive. I replaced the hard drive, created a new partition and cloned again the external drive backup to the new one. Now I’m writing this on my upgraded Mac.

So, thanks to Carbon Copy Cloner from Bombich I was able to upgrade without problems. Great job!

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