Simple Mini Profiler Glimpse plugin

I recently published on Github a simple small project (miniprofiler-glimpse-plugin) to integrate the results collected by the excellent MiniProfiler created by the people at Stackoverflow with Glimpse, the Firebug for ASP.NET and MVC applications.

Creating Glimpse plugins is really easy (just implement IGlimpsePlugin and decorate it with GlimpsePluginAttribute), implement the methods and reference the plug-in assembly in the project where you are using Glimpse. MEF will do the gluing and the JSON.NET will do its best to deserialize the results in a human readable way.

To use this plug-in, just compile it and reference the assembly in your Glimpse-enabled project. I you have questions, suggestions or bug reports, you can use Github’s own issue reporting system, drop me a line o fork the project and make your improvements.

So, I hope you like it.

Link: miniprofiler-glimpse-plugin []

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