Install ASP.NET MVC 3 Manually

Update 14-jan-2011: I found the root solution to all my problems with msiinv, check my post on the subject.

I don’t know exactly why but I can’t install the MVC 3 package provided by Web Platform Installer nor the standalone one, so I uncompressed it and tried to figure out how to install it manually.

.NET logo

The problem I have is with vs10-kb2465236-x86.exe that gives me a failed with 0x8007066a error. It seems to be for enabling Razor syntax but the prerequisites are Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ENU. I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional ESN and that may be the reason or may not.

Anyway, I found the way to install the package manually, although the Razor Intellisense stuff is not available in my setup.

First you have to uncompress the AspNetMVC3Setup.exe into a folder and then install the following files (I got the sequence from the parameterinfo.xml file, which describes the installation process):

  • VS10-KB2465236-x86.exe (it fails in my case, I don’t install it)
  • AspNetWebPages.msi - ASP.NET Web Pages
  • AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi - ASP.NET Web Pages Visual Studio 2010 Tools
  • AspNetMVC3.msi - ASP.NET MVC 3 Runtime
  • AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi - ASP.NET MVC 3 Visual Studio 2010 Tools
  • NuGet.msi - NuGet

And that’s all. In case you have Web Developer Express instead of full Visual Studio, you have ton install the tools specifically for that edition, AspNetWebPagesVWD2010Tools.msi instead of AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi and AspNetMVC3VWD2010Tools.msi instead of AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi.

Good luck!

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