Carbon Copy Cloner saved my day

Just a gratitude post because this piece of software was extremely useful when others don't. And it was my birthday.

Troubleshooting MSDTC, RPC and NServiceBus issues

MSDTC is rare and can cause many headaches. This is the process I followed to track down the problems I was having

Using fail2ban with nginx in Debian

fail2ban helps you fight spam and bots but comes with an Apache sample. I converted it to handle Nginx information.

How msiinv saved my day

mssinv is a tool to manage MSI installed packages and I used it to track a problem with a package partially installed, that had to be removed with this tool

Install ASP.NET MVC 3 Manually

Due to some strange problems in my PC, I had to install this package manually and this is applicable to many other installers